Monday, May 7


Spiderman 3!!!

Oh Kay!! so Crap!!! more Crap!!! and an effing load of bullshit!!!

So lets get the good stuff outta the way first...the graphics and cinematography was great!! and the fight scenes specially the beginning between Harry Osborn and Peter Parker (goblin) and (Spidey)
and thats about it....

So now, let me tell you on a scale of 1 - 5, I'll give it 1.3......... take away 1 for being 3 maddening hours long!!! Another 0.5 goes for Dunst Screaming and shrieking and crying. Take away another 0.2 for the french MaƮtre de being such a whorish Lombard!!! Then subtract 0.7 for the sound of music that defeats venom...who has no physical features to start with and is a blob of black creeping goo...and sand Sushant said in his review asked what next crap man??? so how much is that....... 2.4 outta 5!! that leaves 2.6 to go or another 1.3 since i gave it 1.3............
so Minus 1 for Killing Harry just when it got good!! and the last 0.3 for Toby Maguire growing balls on screen in the black suit and the freakish hairdo!!!

Now, like Ron said if Shah Rukh and Kajol were to jump out and do a jig it wouldn't surprise......the bollywood twist is so sad, but at least the west is borrowing from us!! yay!!!
( oozing sarcasm!!) What is with the corny lines and the American flag behind spidey when he goes jumping to save the shrieking waitress!!! The movie could have done with so much more charater building....and was ridiculously predictable, and for gods sake change the cast!!! Toby has no balls till hez the black spidey and Dunst just cant shut her whore shrieks...!!! ANd sandman??? can cry??? what Slush only happens with water????? ummm tears are liquid???? and for heavens sake?? giant sandman???? thats like a bit too much......

suffice to say the spiderman hype isnt gonna be around till the 4th and lets hope for sum brains and no 4th!! atleast not when blockbusters like shrek and pirates 3 are!!!!!!!!!!

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