Saturday, December 8

'A burning'

And Branches tore when thunder threatened,
They were as a wreck in a storm's greed
as the wind best it's little leaves
left it naked, quivering in the breeze...
The lightning struck...smelt earth burning
And brook churning
Great tremulous shafts, zeus's;
neared the tree, the black night split, wept the muse
great galloping glimmers, every stroke of white light
burnt blue, the clouds, heavy begin to Let low thier tears in fright
AS flashes after flashes broke.
As apon a lofty hill, the tree braced
The waves roared up the grassy slopes
they thrashed and beat with every flash
Ever nearer struck each bolt, Love trembled
And with an crash...
Like the sun when it explodes
Stars when they errupt
when the poles crumple in a earth shattering wrench
The great Ray struck,
it Clove the tree that love there breathed
A burning angst..
Flames engulfed cupid's seed
Rage and betrayal
nature had in her loving embrace nurtured
Nature's very anger smote
blue bolts of great lightning
Storms of Great enemies swept
every vestige of love that wrestled with time
Love that breathed and gasped in a smothering distance..
smote in the bolt that dropped from the sky
One soul rent in the strom's great blast,
it tried and in its pangs tries to protect the other..
And now it needs love's little dew drops,
it needs a cradling embrace to hold it's broken pieces..

Thursday, October 25

The Muse Alights.....

As I sat watching the screen
hearing the outpouring of another soul
the words they wash over me
the music carries my own heart in a tangent
my muse is awakened

she descend in a rapid blur
sending my mind across the abyss of my thought
searching for those foot holds...
like the anchors of a great ship
in a mighty sea wracked in Ariel's Grip

and from nearest my heart
brought forth a scene
"the park, a bench, my lover,
the winds that in their sweeping grace
hurry winter's embrace...
like fir'y flames sweep through the air
mingle strands of luscious black hair
and bough and birch
let descend fla'rs from its loft perch
and as drops of rain purge
the flames of earthen surge

there two bodies on a bench press closer
in embrace that took months to unite
and in the hollow of that groove
loved two lips as never had loved
in sweet scents of wetted sand
lovers arms entwined..."

Fleeting but in deep detail
My muse brought fourth 'nuther tale
one when the "winter rain pattering
in low low moans splattering...
the windows misted over as hot breath melded
fog from passion rose unended
in vapors thick, while all round
the rain made music with the windows sound....
sweet entrancing music to entrance
the sounds of taboo'd lovers dance...."

and as that fades into the seconds gl'des
some musty corner got unravelled
an' from a cloud of dust
rose the scented candle lust....
when by flickering wicks
slept two arm in arm...
as the cocoa beans melted ran
along the bodies of the twa'n
and sweet sleep washed over
closed the eyes of content love...

Stop sweet Muse....and close the lids of the eyes that see from this heart...
coz tears well near its parts
the kisses that say more than those three words can ever achieve
those little touches that carry more weight than the ear can hear
oh close the lids....!!! for the eyes can remember...
o how they recall whats said in a lovers tear fall
a look!..a look, love, can say it all
close the lids my begging heart aches, oh agony to miss
when all you have is a cold pillow to kiss
till the far day comes bringing sweet angel's loving arms...
and this heart 's returned in closest embrace to whence it belongs...

to those whose love is beyond a hundred miles this song sends a spirit of warmth....thank you Plain White T's

Now playing: Plain White T's - Hey There Delilah
via FoxyTunes

Monday, September 10


A summer in Israel
(note: you can click on the pictures to enlarge them)

On the last day of my trip to Israel, from the site that is in Jordan, Mt. Nebo. Approximately 800 meters high, this mountain towers over the entire Jordan Valley.

Standing atop the mountain looking onto the land of 'milk and honey' from the very place moses must have in his day looked. With the golden disk on my head and the wind competing and essaying to drive away the heat of the scorching rind. looking as clouds pass over what is unmistakably cities and towns. Far off I could almost imagine the Golden Dome in Jerusalem vying with the heavenly orb, could see the limestone of the cities each stone, each structure telling its story of the past 2000 years. The Stretch of the river Jordan itself reflecting back to the heavens its banked tides. Standing there, watching as it were from the eyes of an eagle I saw stretched out before me myth, legend and lore. Watched it come alive and walk beneath that sun. The land part fertile part barren, the dead sea and the river Jordan alive, I saw mighty Jerusalem the Bastion of Jews, Christians and Muslims, I saw humble Bethlehem with it's silent beacon of hope, I saw Nazareth heralding the dawn.

And as my mind took flight, revisiting the places I'd Seen. saying farewell to the culture, to the History, to the heritage, taking back with me the very footsteps of Jesus. Of His saints of the prophets. From the very heavens where the angels sang and the cobbled streets where the Saviour bled, I traversed the ages, the very pages from the bible. History and Culture was walking around me, like shadows in the sun flitting from end to end crowding my vision. Like the Jordan flowing across the land, my thoughts gathered to create not a sea dead, but alive. A sea radiant and beautiful. Not just Christian heritage, around me I could see the inheritance of the Muslim nations and the Semitic peoples, the Al-aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the rock where the prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven and returned with edicts that are held in the hearts of The Islamic nations. The Judaic shrine - The Wailing Wall, believed to be the only remaining wall of the Great Temple built by King Solomon. Where the wailing, the cries of the people seem to blend into a mellifluous enigmatic hypnotic trance. All these experiences whir past me, fleeting yet in their detail complete.

Fused withing this like an anagram of history lay the conflicts of this century, the Israeli - Palestinian struggle. The Religious strife that has engulfed the world. As what was a little town of Bethlehem is now transformed into a prison for Palestinians. The Fortified City of Jerusalem that once housed the hosts of a civilization, has become tripartite and factioned into three quarters, one for each religion centered in it. It seems where the walls of the fortified city of Jerusalem kept out one religious invader after the other be it Muslim or Christian, the new walls of Bethlehem, not 40 minutes away now keep in a nation struggling to express its own identity.

The very Walls bring me to yet another history, that of the Roman conquerers when in my minds eye I envision the far off Capernaum, treading the walkways of a derelict city, under the shade of an enormous tree crunching leaves underfoot, I can envision the people of great Roma, as they set upon the world the first throes of Imperialism. The very throes from which Many places in the world still reel, Israel and Palestine nonetheless. what lacks not far behind though in brief reminiscence is the conquered, those whom history silenced when it handed the crown of olive leaves to the victors. The once mighty Byzantine empire, which in its fall left behind beauty and skill surpassing even modern talent. Who carved their legacy into the mountain sides, into the rock, into the limestone that still stands to reflect the light of a burning sun.

From the pinnacle of Mount Nebo, My senses take flight and with a last farewell bid adieu to the Land where History is enthroned, in a land where the present walks alive with the past, in a land where the milk and honey ever flows.
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Friday, September 7

To my sweetheart!!!!

I love you......!!!! I love you......!! and were there three words in the world that meant more than these would take a magical and astronomical amount of emotion behind them to make them mean more than..when i say I LOVE YOU!!!

Tuesday, September 4


Splendid Splendid Suns

Khalid Hosseini has out done himself in his new novel reflecting the travails of Afghanistan. Ravaged by one war after the other, the suffering of the innocent people caught in the crossfire of barbaric and brutal warlords. Slaughtered to the whims of a fanatic Government and bled in the overtures of imperialistic designs. A thousand Splendid Suns Captivates us as we are swept up in Hosseini's stunning art. His most brilliant masterstroke is the fusion of the tortures of Afghanistan and the Torture of his principle protagonists Mariam and Laila.

Mariam embodies the very travails of Afghanistan, she suffers the unrequited love of her father as Afghanistan suffers the blows of its own leaders in civil war. She suffers at the hands of her husband who woos her and then ravages her just as the Soviet Union behaved with this land of the afghans. Then Dies at the hands of the Taliban just like her nation bleeds and bleeds of all its culture and history while in their hands. A Thousand Splendid Suns follows the nation through years of its trials and it is a champion for woman and human rights. It remembers a nation that the world has left behind in the 18th century, and its women left further behind!!

It is Laila who suffers through these ravages and presents the picture of a hopeful revived nation after its liberation with the aid of the Americans. She and Mariam share the solidarity of women all around the world who are nothing more than second class citizens, and it is their sister-hood that strengthens them to bear the 'sin' of being a woman in a man's land. A sin that still eve's descendants are paying for even in India!!

A story poignant in the truths it reveals, in the message it carries. Revealing the bare and stark harsh reality many in this world live in. Emphasizing the need for everyone to be compassionate. It leaves in the reader a yearning to reach out and make a difference, to be the hand that wipes away the tears, to be the shoulder that shares in the fears. To stand for humanity! not just for Man-kind!

Saturday, July 7


Created not creator
judged not judge
life is rated not fated
a blank page on which a smudge

like the grass that is green
who decided its sheen
like the sky that is blue
who named this hue

dust to adam
rib to eve
god gave him madam
and then leave

fissures to creation
and here we are today
a thousand bloodied nation
and frantic lives a day

a semblence to order
or an order to semblance
strange to ponder
a rhyme or a rhythm

a question followed by the mark
a mark to mark the question
strange is the ponderer
to ponder this question

Tuesday, May 22

Indian democracy the enemy of secularism.

Glorified as the world’s largest democracy, India is a shining beacon to democracies all over the world. I’m sure that when you stare into an oncoming light in darkness all but the light becomes invisible, much like a car coming head on with full beams. So also, the beacon that Indian democracy is makes the remained of the beacon tower invisible in the darkness. What I mean by this elaborate metaphor is that even though India is proclaimed a shining beacon, the tower that holds up this beacon is rotten and dark, and in the blinding night it is all but invisible.

The secularity that our country upholds is under a constant threat from the very democracy that runs our country. The Indian democracy, its political structure allows many parties, and fragments of many parties. With the multitude of political organizations vying for a share of the ruling seat and with each political formation seeking its own agenda, what one has, is a party representing only a certain fixed ideal, or a religion. As the whole country has time and again witnessed religion becomes a powerful overriding factor in the quest for votes and electorates.

We have the extremist cases who have their fixed notions of a nation, ideally a religion centric nation. Not only now but at the time of independence. Who can blame them? After all is not our country surrounded by countries that have fixed state religions? Granting these extremists the benefit of doubt one can claim that it is their insecurity and that they would like to have a nation based on their own religion completely. However, the seemingly yet unproved, state sponsored killings that the Gujarat riots were show that these extremists are not a limited faction but a properly planned, organized, maybe even legitimized, political plot. The mayhem with ensued from the Gujarat riots was not unprecedented in our history. The ineptitude of the state government to call in law and order is not unparalleled. The riots following Indira Gandhi’s assassination carries the same stamp, maybe to a different degree. To illustrate, it would only seem diligent to look at the reaction time that peacekeeping forces took in responding to these orchestrated outbursts. In contrast to this is the reaction time of the very same peacekeeping forces in the very same places to a natural disaster. Case in point the Bhuj earthquake.

Advocating a viable solution to this problem, viable but not fool proof, is to convert the Indian democracy to the pattern of the United States. Wherein every Tom, Dick and Harry with a personal agenda can not form a party and promulgate a shallow notion.

As a student of literature being inclined to take the middle path I would see both sides of the same coin, however, I would only address the issue on the other side in order to defend my own stand. Starting with arguments that show how USA’s democratic functioning would not suit a country of our diversity. To raise such a question is foolish, but not inevitable. Simply because it is guided by the preconceived notion that diversity does not exist in the States and that they are all the same lock, stock and barrel! Next is the fact that each political formation in our country has an agenda which may not be incorporated by anyone else, my only response to this would be the suggestion that political ideals for which a party stands should be fused allowing a greater base of ideals for the two parties to represent. Lastly, to claim that political parties based on religion are a separate agenda and cannot be encompassed in a two party state since India has many religions. Such a claim in itself should be blasted. Has not the world shed enough blood over religion? Has not India contributed to this rampant desecration of humanity for long enough? Learning from past mistakes is what the wise do. Yet ever and anon we indulge in these flagrant mistakes. Have not our political heads had enough of this foolishness? And if they have not why should Indians pay the price, in blood, for their foolishness!! Nay, why should we allow fools to head our shining beacon??? Just so we have a rotten beacon tower?

Love to Burn, kill and maim!!

Recently while catching glimpses of the Sikh unrest on TV, some thing very apparent and common place came to my attention. This observation was not an isolated case, as it turned out, while watching a bit more news than usual sightings were more frequent. Seeing the justifiable unrest of some community or the other time and again what did come to my attention is that the people behind violent protests took some sort of pleasure in their rapacious deeds. They burnt effigies with a glimmer in their eyes and a smile to their lips. Vandalism had some kind of joy only the vandals can recognize, and unnecessary and unwarranted fighting and beating seemed like a well enjoyed cricket match to spectators and players as well. Would I term it sadistic pleasure? In most cases I think I could. The only justification for these smiles is that their hate has over flowed into pleasure! Such a justification would seem far-fetched.

What is actually shocking is that this has already been brought to the attention of the discerning eye, but through subtler methods. ‘Rang De Basanti’ brought to the limelight the lathi charge by the police which was arresting in its brutality. The violence did not recognize man, woman or child, it did not stop to register the fleeing and the battered. It in a frantic frenzy kept the police occupied. A legal sanction to what is commonplace.

Our media industry provides one with many such illustrations of rampant brutality. All one needs to do is watch the clip of any violent demonstration. It’s easy to notice the happiness with which this beating and bashing, burning and smashing is indulged in.

The political arena of this nation is overflowing with burnt effigies and vandalized cities, towns and villages. The blurring nature of Indian diversity permits these burnt effigies and vandal acts to spread into every known public sphere. Even our most popular, most consequential, most powerful medium of communication – bollywood, promulgates the spread of this behavior. Kill joyously, beat happily and do not give inhibition to any other frantic emotional outburst.

Needless to come to the defense of bollywood, it has its own shining moments that speak for themselves, one of which I used al illustration earlier on. Nor is it a continuing trend in our mass media, thankfully. However having sown the seeds, it cant be held blameless. Protest and democracy are two sides of the same coin. Yet what has become of the Gandhian example? The next time you switch on the news, by accident or by purpose, watch it for the same observation that prompted this article. What to do to combat it, is a suggestion even I am open to.

Friday, May 18


Paris Je T'aime

For all those who are not a ware, its a film with subtitles!! Yes, it is mainly in French, given the title. Apart from French it has a splattering of other languages such as Chinese and Persian etc etc too.

What sets this movie apart is that it is 21 different love stories, some funny, some touching, some romantic, some heartbreaking ( i cried in one)!! each of the 21 love stories are directed by a different director and each portrays love in some way or the other. whether its love between two people, whether its a mother and child whether its a father daughter ( non incestuous), a person and a place. Its the myriad shades of love that make you love the movie. Some stories are left incomplete some are a fifteen minute run through. It keeps you guessing and it brings out so many different parameters of love, if of course i were crude enough to restrain love to parameters.

The heart rending story of a mother who has lost a son, the bitter sweet symphony of a old aged couple who cant live with each other nor without, the funny love life of a mime (that i laughed to see because it was silly, but behind it the love the, beauty you can sit and only begin to comprehend at later speculation) the cross ethnic romances and the trans geographic romances. The vied interests fusing to make room for love, and the striving mother working to make a life for her child.

This is one movie that will take you through all the shades of emotion the human soul can display and within those 1 and a half hours. Critically some storyline could be a little more elaborated but the way I see it, its the open ending that gives it more strength and leaves you more satisfied.

Must watch...(and after you do, replies here please!! specially if this review made you go watch!!)

Sunday, May 13


A birthday on!!!

Why is it that the most amazing reads are that of the NRI perspective? Let me elaborate on this. I was about a year back quite averse to reading Indian Authors, simply because i felt there wasn't sufficient drive for the imagination and I was able to easily relate to it. Hence the lack of excitement.

Then one day I came across a book called "A 100 Shades of White" by Preeti Duggal in The British Council Library (BCL). THe story quite sweet really was of this keralite woman who is the Indian version of Penelope Cruise in the move "Woman on Top". For the illiterate, amazing cooking skills and almost a sixth sense in food and its therapeutic properties. However after moving to England she becomse estranged from her family, and her husband leaves her for another woman, eventually after scraping at the ground (metaphorically ofcourse) she survives the drugery moves onto better things and fights for her children, raises them and stuff, eventually finds her way back to Kerela to where her mother was rumored to have lived and finds her grave and cottage which has been abandoned and eventually thus discovers something , something being herself. But she needed that whole journey to the west to find her origins.

U.R Ananthamurthy in his Essay "being a writer in India" points to this journey to the West to find ones roots and origins. Its many a Indian author who takes this trip, both methaphorically, in their books or literally. The counter to this is obviously very recently Shantaram, but then thats a foreigner in India if i'm not wrong. This journey I found sets some very similar patterns in a lot of novels and i wouldn;t list them out here but if you are an avid reader you will come across many such examples.

Now to cut to the point. I've just finished reading "The Kite Runner" and "Memoirs of a Geisha" what is a clear contrast is while in the former the author/ protagonist is based in USA while the novel is a journey back to Afghanistan after a childhood there to make up a past shortcoming the latter is foreign author writing about a tradition in Japan. What ofcourse is missing is the Middle Path so to speak......the citizen writing of his own country, now I know there is plenty of that around, no case in point here. The thing is Some how this would have the least appeal to me, and others like me, once again because I can easily relate to this. While I do maintain that a realistic story written by an author about and in his own country (being different from mine ) will elicit some interest but this would eventually become a drab.

What appeals after Fantasy Fiction is the interaction of cultures so to speak. SO nextime you need to know what to get me for a birthday you go!!!

Monday, May 7


Spiderman 3!!!

Oh Kay!! so Crap!!! more Crap!!! and an effing load of bullshit!!!

So lets get the good stuff outta the way first...the graphics and cinematography was great!! and the fight scenes specially the beginning between Harry Osborn and Peter Parker (goblin) and (Spidey)
and thats about it....

So now, let me tell you on a scale of 1 - 5, I'll give it 1.3......... take away 1 for being 3 maddening hours long!!! Another 0.5 goes for Dunst Screaming and shrieking and crying. Take away another 0.2 for the french Maître de being such a whorish Lombard!!! Then subtract 0.7 for the sound of music that defeats venom...who has no physical features to start with and is a blob of black creeping goo...and sand Sushant said in his review asked what next crap man??? so how much is that....... 2.4 outta 5!! that leaves 2.6 to go or another 1.3 since i gave it 1.3............
so Minus 1 for Killing Harry just when it got good!! and the last 0.3 for Toby Maguire growing balls on screen in the black suit and the freakish hairdo!!!

Now, like Ron said if Shah Rukh and Kajol were to jump out and do a jig it wouldn't surprise......the bollywood twist is so sad, but at least the west is borrowing from us!! yay!!!
( oozing sarcasm!!) What is with the corny lines and the American flag behind spidey when he goes jumping to save the shrieking waitress!!! The movie could have done with so much more charater building....and was ridiculously predictable, and for gods sake change the cast!!! Toby has no balls till hez the black spidey and Dunst just cant shut her whore shrieks...!!! ANd sandman??? can cry??? what Slush only happens with water????? ummm tears are liquid???? and for heavens sake?? giant sandman???? thats like a bit too much......

suffice to say the spiderman hype isnt gonna be around till the 4th and lets hope for sum brains and no 4th!! atleast not when blockbusters like shrek and pirates 3 are!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 4


Sing that song, the lyrics were torn
they rent the air, the curtains were shorn
smelt fire and ice, the burning bone
saying and sworn to never let you alone

It blew the Wind, the sand caught in hand
it slipped it became water it ran over land,
All clothed in draping rags, Zazoore saw the crags
the Mountains of Efornost and the icy stags

He struggled against the heated wind, the stormy sands
to reach across with burning hand, stretching fingers to mountain lands
the wind raged and wept, it blew shards of jagged sand, blotted the light,
it scratched, it tore Zazoore's eyes and blew away his sight.

The burnt feet still trudged, the knees weary, paining, still budged
With a howling strain, it blew across the dry desert called rese-grudge
The whipping wind, with its million frenzied teeth beating to a crazy drum beat
the sound of the camelled hood, the riders that flesh did eat
what was he to do? Zazoore called for who he apealed?
those peals swept away in a sand ridden wind and the lips were torn, bloodied and peeled

The drum now beat with each heart beat, the blind cry, the lame walk in the deep
Zazoore with each step drained away more life more hope he felt the fear creep.
They say in Efornost there lived a beautiful sprite, afar above in colden might
the sprite that saw with eyes as blue as the frozen ice, and when aid seemed right
descended on the icy stag to meet the burning Camel back,
with a crystal sword met the burning rod, to free the fright and bring hope to them that lack!

Zazoore with the drums in a flaming circle
Zazoore with a whip lash and a burnt mantle
he defied the flaming circle
and whipped out a knife!!

A knife to fight blazing whips and killing sands?
A knife to fight in rese grudge lands?
Or a knife to end the sad sad story of his life?

A rumble of a mountain Efornost, a crumble of a glacier soon to be lost
A decending white cloud, a stillness of sand not sound,
The first free frosts of winters soul so long ago lost
and there apon a white stag, came the sprite, the bane of sand
with a glittering gleam and sparkling sheen
the crystal sword unleashed a fury of razor knifes...

The Camels turned, the hoods, they burned
the frost to match with searing sand, the crystal slew the blazon land
raised one hand and rent the sand, swept a stroke and felled the burning brand
the burning whips the rent the ice, steam and vapor when fire met ice!!!

Zazoore was blind, the blaze had burnt his sight,
his lips were torn the fiery murder had burnt it blight,
the sprite fended of the last brave hooded camel, the sprite saw in crystal orb
the retreating blob, of burnt messy, bloody camels lob
Its fierce icy eyes,blue orbs, turned on Zazoore the blind
and then what went through in its mind..........

Saturday, April 28

There's a song...when you see nothing at many artists......i mean many artist who've done the song but its lyrics start "its amazing how you can speak right to my heart" my baby...its amazing how you can speak right to my heart...

you bring such a big smile to my face in matter of seconds, like just now tonight when i was so down, angry and feeling helpless, talking to you just makes me brighten up...and immediately this song came to my mind, i mean the lyrics just popped into my head from no where, and i was searching my storage of music (which is immense some 9 GB) for this song just so that i can lissen to it, and be soo sooo sooo happy that in heaven an angel took pity on me and descended came to me as you!!! to love me so so so much that you sent my heart into the clouds. that your love wiped away every tear that my eye drops, and the smile on your face brings heaven to earth, the whisper of your voice (even over a very bad line all the way from across a sea) turned my frown into a smile and made me so so so happy...

baby, i love you for being my angel!!! my heaven sent angel!! my beautiful pure radiant angel! my eternal everlasting angel!! i love you for who you are for all that you are and for the universe you mean to me!!!

i've said this a hundred million times, but i cant say it enough!!


Tuesday, April 17


Daisy Rao!!!

What is it with old people and their constant need to reiterate the lives of Daisy Rao and Crazy Pauo? My Dadi is over from Hyderabad, and accepted she has a lot of contacts in delhi having spent over 50 years here, but the almost paranormal obsession with discussing who died and who got married beats all levels of thrill!!!

Its safe to assume that I would know squat about the afore said Daisy Rao, and these discussions are carried on with my parents as the main intended receptacles , but having heard her name dropped over dinner it kinda stuck. Now all she does apart from reading a lot of stuff, is talking about this colonel and that doctor who had so many sons and daughters (usually, as is the case with all south Indian families I have the good fortune of knowing, 7 - 8) And how many of the sons and daughters are married.

This gives rise to the details of the marriage, the discussion on which can be summarized in 1 Line. She/He is married to a hindu? Muslim? any other religion and visa vi if the tables are turned. Then comes the regalia of whether the concerned Colonel and his 7 - 8 children are settled abroad or not. And as is again the south Indian preoccupation with the US of A. It is most likely that 80 percent of the children are living abroad. The remaining 15% trying to go there and 5% in transit!!!

Now utterly moribund it the detailed discussion on whose dying and whose dead and who according to superior knowledge, should be dying but isn't there yet!!! Appended to this is the poor so and so son or daughter that has to wait to move to the US because of either appended death, or expected death or some other calamity!!!

Following this is the luckless Doctor/Engineer/Lawyer/ etc (since South Indians do not take in a big way to many other professions (akash can probably attest to this) ) who follows the colonel in processional pomp ready to destroy my dinner with the concise biography of his/her and adjoined family(usually includes extended family in case of insufficient sons and daughters).

Now the occasional such discussion would have me stupendously amused, however, the frequency of this specially over dinner has me loosing appetite. So Really what is it with these closely linked concentric circles and the demise of my dinner?

Tuesday, April 10

Idle Pursuit & (Camel your own risk)

and this is typified with me sitting online at 1:34 A.M. blogging? why? i really dont know why.... I cant sleep! So with waiting for people to show up online who are as bored out of their minds as I am and Voting on Orkut polls, Am making the Passage into sleep, till that point where I trespass on the elusive boundaries of dreams and nightmares, or sound dreamless sleep. Thanks to a strange smelling odomos, the mosquitoes are banned from toasting to my blood! So I han hazard sitting with my legs under the desk. Looking at tiny insects on my screen and following them around with the mouse.

As a part of this idlers wile i can wonder at the weird weather, which is truly weird, it was hot and stuff and hour back yet now theres a slight nippiness in the air. Its pleasant but, by the morning im sure i'l be covered with two sheets, and snoring to glory (well figuratively, i dont snore). In the mean while a long inquired gossip is on the verge of becoming public so i'm suddenly woken up with all the arts of persuasion actively seeking a hidden fact!!! With Avril Lavinge, Katherine McPhee, Nelly Furtado and Chris Daughtry alternating on my media player.

The miserable caricature who is the transmitter of this gossip is reveling in the importance of their knowledge which makes a sluggish and annoyed me, want to be snappy with her, but I have to refrain from fear of inopportune-ing my gossip buds, if there are such things, and i'm guessing they exist since Gossip is transmitted through the mouth, Taste Buds? No? Oh Well I'm the Author here, and you have the option of swallowing the Crap I'm meeting out or bugger off. Go ahead choose the cowards way out......

Now that the remaining readers are have self preservatively averted being classified a coward, I shall go on to enumerate these Idle Pursuits in order to attempt to entertain you, with my whinings, (The Bitch refuses to tell) (she is being self righteous and withholding information of national importance!!!) Let me coax my persuasive side into being a little more persuasive before i resort to blatant sarcasm disgusted at self righteous Little ( Large, in this case) bitch!!

Okay so I was holding conversation with my persuasive self and and he tells me its not happening tonight danny, so i proceed to allow my snappy bitchy self to (like the angel and devil war in cartoons) to abundantly curse her, but yet reason asks me to be practical and not call her all the horrible names which are popping into mind.......and the bane of all worthwhile pursuits is the following conversation with my blog buddy....


akash dey is offline.
daniel: dude where are you...wheres the sense in being offline when i need to chit chat aimlessly!!!
Sent at 1:22 AM on Wednesday
you are indeed vella
no its just today..i finished my course for day afters paper and i cant sleep!!!
and arnt you too implicated in the same to be pointing fingers?
you finished 2 days in advance , amazing
not two days...a day...
its not that great really...its english dearie!!
you'd do as much
i have a chem exam at 8 tomorrow and these spectrospic charts still look like stalactites and stalagmites
hmm..try turning them upside down???
what do they look like now?
i have to make sense of what now looks like ghich pich
ghich pich
i would suggest some thing if you would humour me
shud i?
flush it!!!!
yay!! and then grandly zilch it tomorrow
then when the examiner asks wheres your answer you can say its in the pipe!!!
and so will be my grade
no havnt you heard of assistance from dost and yaar
not. no one cheats in minors. if you're caught a notice appears in every single notice

This is where we were discussing the new traffic fines in delhi and resulting joy sharing which is the following i Like It by Akash;

i like it!!!
yes i knew i would find a sould to share my joy with!!
(note* the reference to sould)

what is a sould in any case?
a soul sold to the devil...
i'm a sould
like it???
yeah baby
i know i know!!
yes i do
and guess what!!
I just invented it!!!
what wat? wowie
it will make an appearance on my bog tonight!!
are u the devil?
can i be that lucky?
you have a bog?
do you have any bog monsters?
nah I would be a lesser spawn cant claim such high titles with the existence of ron!! ( a bitch you mite like to get to know in due course)
i would like a bog though!! (bog was a typo for blog)
aha, there's a bitch in question
i like bitches
the bitch is male!!!
who might this bitch be?
you might reconsider!!!
hmmph...i almost forgot
atleast appears male!!
for a moment there (for those in the know this is a particularly interesting remark)
but is heart a female?
heart is a female? why?
the eternal question of 'who are we?
at heart u mean
where are we going? and who we want to fuck?
eternity however is too long so i cant wait for such answers and thus have to allocate gender and sex at my discretion!!
which is very discernible!!
you would like to fuck ur chem paper!! i think...unless u wana add a 'L' into fuck!!
i was thinking about using certain parts of my body, but i spose even this is quite acceptable
i would certainly like to fuck my chem paper
oh and for the latest piece on my blog..titled idle pursuits i would reserve rights to publish this conversation or bits of it....unless you have objections
no problemo, i prefer to see it as unravelling the secrets of life, one chat at a time
with no sleep and tonnes of work to do

This is where it gets really disgusting but like i said this is Idleness and hence the devils workshop (please dont judge the best of persons cant do better in my place)


there is a horse titted woman..who is not very high on my lists right now!! you can use whichever part of your body on her you like.....
excuse the baseness....
im cranky
horse tits, never noticed those
but have noticed camel dick
they're on the underside...
they're inverted you know
what were you doing really?

noticng the camel dick? car ride past the retreating parade?
yes, noticing the camel's dick no, at leasure over tea.

lots of camels(and their dicks) in the place i am
i assume you have 7 lumps of sugar in your tea to get you to such a thrilling all time high!!

it's still a mystery how they fuck each other
umm...i think they are bestowed with humps!!
probably the female mounts the male and then they go 'humping'
they must sweat a lot!!!
although unless he has a six feeter i can't really get how............
another existential question
they have long necks i don't know..camel sex isn't a particularly nice topic!!

akash asked how do they (camels) do it

umm..i really dont know....
but i guess they do it like any other quadruped...
2 feet in the air..for the male...
but thats the problem , their dicks point backwards
and a broken back for the female!!
they do!!!!
then how can they!! i dint know this!!
thats what i've been trying to tell you so far
then willies are inverted
maybe dint say a word and i dont go arnd observing camel dicks over tea!!
they stand ass to ass???
then judging by the size of the animal, it'll have to be 6 feet
atleast i think...
perhaps thats what the neck is for
an extendable dick
thats like the height of exaggeration.....(good for a blow though!! )
very good for a blow
daniel: then its decided...
akash: t
hough too much sand and padded paws would create a problem
camels arent as adventorous as you
even with 6 feeters
they ingest!!! ( Shaking my head eyes wide ) and pray how many adventures of mine have you heard of?
haha, so you do know about camels.
i've heard enough to go 'whoa'
i was speculating given the information!! i really have to hear if from the horse...(umm lets avoid animals for the remainder of the convo ) the persons mouth!!
yes animals are brutes
let them be wild
we evolved beings must keep them at their places...
call them brutes!!
here's a nice quote-
the only unnatural act is the one yo can't perform
unnatural is a perspective!!!
it differs!!

Anyways thank you for your patience one last entertaining bit (i hope) i did away with precious plenty time on your hands in Idle pursuits!! i asked him what does largesse mean for at this time i was still thinking about cursing the afore said woman......and was intending on applying largesse to her prior to which i called him good for nothing when he says even good for nothing is a quality to which i replied with the below.......(read on)

hope when you get married your wife/ live in/ b4 marriage gf(s) think the same!!!
that's what worries me
hmmm....marry a camel
atleast you could get good blows....
i'm not proficient enough in camel sex nor do i have an inverted dick
oh break a leg!!! ( MSfusdkfsdf#1052t w4)
if you get my meaning!!
unfortunately i do
haha!!! lol!!!!
i think im scaring myself now!!
i shall take your leave now!!
and thank you with most abundant praise for entertaining me thus far!!
bye bye
and if i do have weird bestial dreams you wuld do well to avoid me for a bit!!
sure, camel stories for all times
to each his own(animal)
check this in my blog...hopefully i dont get censored for this!
once in a while you should spice it up

So With this i Give you by far the lewdestly entertaining piece on my blog!!! I hope I havn't offended anyone, and all offence is unintended...please take it in the right sense which is nonsense!!!

Saturday, April 7

The Power of Happy Tears

You know how tears can soothe a wounded soul, how it is a passage of pain and anguish, and how it lulls a exhausted heart to leave its burdens to sleep. Great is the power of tears, but greater still are those tears that stream when you are so so happy. Anyone, who has felt them streaming down unchecked on your cheeks blinding you in blissful joyous happiness, knows waht i'm trying to express.

I say trying because, its one of those things words can never accomplish in eternity to describe. The happiness that words fail to convey is where tears step in, I ask you, if you have that someone special, imagine him/her with a beautiful beautiful radiant smile on their face, you know they are happier than what joy can feel. But imagine the same face, the same beautiful smile, those precious eyes...watering, and that tear single silent yet, potent screaming out its love its happiness, yelling to the whole world that this is when joy is undefined, when it is un encompass-able. Not a million twinkling diamonds in the sky can smile in the same way, that happiness that such a smile brings, its not the happiness of an ordinary smile. Tears, they are a million times thier weight in gold, those tears make happiness worth having. I can not go on ever to describe this joy, this perfect happiness!!

Oh!! god!! ahppiness seems such a insufficient word for for this joy, this beautiful, bursting of my heart, this beautiful beautiful smile i cant get off my face!! this thumping beating heart...this joy is........words fail me, if only i could put my tears here......if only you have felt what i now feel...pure beautiful power of a happy tear.......a unicorn would scarcely suffice to show more purity, and a dolphin, a cute puppy, a little baby, can not evoke such powerful happiness......

The Power of a Happy Tear...the joy of it.......Oh were i blessed enough to share it with you all, but i know i'm more than blessed to experience it.....

Monday, April 2

Of Victorian Literature....

The frivolous nature in which George Eliot has given over to her rendering of childhood is an appreciable fact. However for her to have rambled on for pages and pages together on the same is quite scandalous to her readers, specially when we are certain of her remaining childless. As a student, I still can at parts relate to her scenes of childhood, ofcourse perfectly relating to The Mill on the Floss is quite impossible unless one is a protagonist therein. The Novel is a fictional account rooted in reality and is very autobiographical in nature, and she can thus go on and on and on with her feelings as a spurned sister and daughter. Being dutiful in the Victorian era was all that was required of a woman, being dutiful thus meant going to church, marrying respectably and having no opinion of ones own what so ever. Society has come a long way from this, thank the fore mothers!! and the suffragettes.

Coming back to the nature of childhood in The Mill on the Floss, is it really as generalized a scene of childhood, as one perceives it to be? Certainly, for Maggie Tulliver to so unconditionally love so unworthy a brother, is as good as Louisa's affectation for Tom Gradgrind, and he is ,bluntly put, despicable. Very ironically i could also conjecture that Maggie's brother is also named Tom, the same as the villainous robber in Hard Times. Before I draw censure on such views i would ask for some patience in reading the rest of this.

Now Two novels can hardly be ratified into a common consensus, but then the generalization i refer to is quite a nomenclature for the scenes of Childhood found in these two samplings of Victorian Literature. For in both cases the sisters are induced by the author to irrationally love a foolish brother, Tulliver a narrow minded stickler for bygone principles and Gradgrind a thief by all accounts. Though Dickens would find it beyond his art to put it in such a way as George Eliot has elucidated, he too claims the duty of the sister in unconditionally loving their brother. The only saving grace is that he is far from rambling on, on just one thread.

Having said this let me now bring in my defense of why and what is it that really annoys me! enter Jane Austen with Pride and Prejudice, and Charlotte Bronte with Jane Eyre. With Austen it is an obsession to get married, considering that she did not get married, so much more the pity. Before coming to Charlotte Bronte I'd like to explain its connection to The Mill on The Floss, Jane Austen refused to Marry rich Harris Bigg-Wither, and moved in with her brother Frank on the death of her father, in Southhampton. Later on she lived on the graces of another brother, Edward at his cottage. By this I hope you have drawn the same links as i have.

Dickens I admire (and this should make my stance very clear) because he has reversed this prodigious economic dependence on brothers in his novel Hard Times. Tom is in fact dependent on Louisa for keeping him in luxury and lethargy. However, her marriage is the means for this dependence. Which again brings me to an irksome point, which I hope will be clear by the end of this, arrived at after a reference to Jane Eyre. the Principle protagonist, the namesake of the novel, Jane Eyre herself, defies the conventions of Victorian Society. Having no family to speak off, she can not take the alternate route all the other women barring that in Hard Times, do (seeking support from a brother). She seeks her own maintenance, through the role of a governess. But eventually in a very sadistically romantic way she is returned to the conformity of Victorian women, the male dependence. Rochester plays out this shelter in Jane Eyre and validates the inferior status appropriated to women. Lastly I came to the last female writer of the Victorian era included in our syllabi, namely Christina Rossetti.

The Goblin Market is a poem celebrating sisterhood, thus circumventing for almost its entire course male dominance, I said 'almost' because just when you thought here is a woman author who is unafraid of societal disdain and had the balls, so to speak, in giving her female protagonists complete authority. The last stanza abruptly brings us to the scene where Laura and Lizzie are MARRIED!!! My irritation now should be very clear. All that is left is to pose a question that annoys me no end.

Why are we studying literature that is called feminist when clearly It appears differently!!! Marriage is the only way out for the Miss Bennets, Miss Eyre, Laura and Lizzie (who I am severely disappointed in) Miss Gradgrind (the only saving grace here for she breaks away from a foolish marriage, thus Dickens is my hero). While Maggie Tulliver is 'drownded' as the novel prophesies through the ominous Mrs Tulliver. There is no Independent Way out!! Even Louisa is eventually dependent on her father.

Lastly I am aware of the circumstances with respect to Educational opportunity women in the Victorian Age were permitted, thus enforcing their dependence. Whom so ever permits this as an argument against my observations, to them I Would only address a referral to the concise life histories of Each of the Authors ( you can look up wikipedia for this purpose), barring Dickens for reasons simple as him not being as embroiled in feminism as the remainder I have mentioned, are. Going into that myself would take up too much of your time, but if you have reached the end of this dear reader, I sincerely Thank you for your forbearance and patience.

Sunday, March 25

A Little Empathy; with fra lippo lippi

Fra lippo Lippi was driven by hunger
he went and joined the church while younger
for there he got 3 meals a day
and a warm bed on which to lay

He went to vespers and matins out of sheer rigmarole
and delighted in the idle life he claimed to perform
The cloth on his back and the food in his belly
was more a better match than a hungry skelly

But as he grew from a mere boy of eight
he wondered, at what lay outside the gate
at wealth and luxury and forest and tree
he lusted after sweet temptations so free!!

and our dear fra lippo lippi, he smelt on a celebratory eve
the wafts of food, and for the greed of a woman! he slipped down the reeve
as to being caught, satisfied, and at length outside a harem door
the wry fra gave a confession so grave, that twinked the eye of that boorish boor

he called it as he saw it the means for a belly full
and never a vesper he revered nor wu'll
The paintings he made i could talk about
and round we'd go the topic I want throughout.

As a child, now a man, brought up to this
I want to ask why is it a crazed hiss?
that always and ever its sinners we are!
din't god make the man so fleshed and on par?

so why intend then the skin to devour?
or put an apple in edens bower? and told not to touch for even an hour?
he made the temptation! its not the tempters doing
why put it there so we'd be a screwing?

never a comfort in life does it offer
only a promise of eternality proffer
when flesh is a waste then why put it on us?
couldn't man be just soul and no dust?

and as to ever we reach fra lippo's postion
we all find ourself grown up to our parents religion
why is there no choice nor circumstantial evidence
of keeping ones family and choosing ones credence?

I seek such questions and dare not speak
for i will be met by mere 'resolete'
and in that hour be exorcised for un- Christian virtues
and a demonic demise!! pray why fra lippo's option and hues
to choose, to choose a double life of blues? humanity is the only cause!
dont see beyond what's hidden in dream, a blind can do better nor be at loss
to walk the earth with eyes turned on to unseeable stars!!

Thursday, March 22

And So they bring the winds...

Slow months and dreary days
borne on the clouds wet ocean waves,
Low rumbling storms that fill the sky
the days they tell me they ask me why?

Winter chill from afar a hill
Lonesome tear, Bare thee love eternal still
and summer dry why wont you try
the wet months to imitate, spare us the fry!

Then my body alone in the heat
for my heart in your love breathe
and every every day we see a closer star
a coming date, for which I wait, you see my eyes beholds u afar...

I close my eyes to your passionate kisses
I fall into your loving embraces
Smitten, you took my heart a year and more, some 20 months,
you keep it still enthroned in crimson, a beating hundred it pumps....

That way you look at me, will fire
that way you make my lips melt with desire
the arcing of a body graceful to meet you thrusting.....
never compares to the way our two souls connected in love thirsting

Love in a July, an 11th so sweet....
that a shoulder provided, and to carry you, my two feet...
for look back at he sand in those our troubles
we see just a single pair! and thats the testimony to our love sweet honey!!!

This is the newest poem i dedicate to you my love!! for the love my heart bares you will ever and anon burst forth in passion so true!!! I love you.....

Dedicated to my Baby...My Teddy!!
A friend so true!!

What has been: is so perfect
The best and the bad
the Good and the ugly
Its always gonna stay the same

There are some things in life
that will never change
fake and flake will come
& go, but these a few, faithful and true

Grew up together, school was the binder
Stood by in thick and thin
laughed together and smiled
the same: Made fun and fought, cried a lot

As we grew older more mature,
our friendship never faded
and it only grew stronger
There are some you can count on
the handful few!! one of whom is you!

Thank you and thank you!! for being who you are
Leaving magnanimous entreaties to be friends forever
is not necessary!! somethings are always constant!!

Dedicated to Chetan!!
this poem...though it doesn't rhyme is a poem nonetheless and is dedicated to my closest friend, chetan, whom i've known since class 6th and we've been together in the same till 8th....and then again in 11th and 12th...and the memories are so beautiful and always bring a smile to my face!! We even worked together at our first job!! and we've never lost touch!! since i was thinking so much about you today i decided to dedicate this poem to you!!!

Monday, March 19

The Great Delhi Public Transport System!! and the Public it transports...

So our sprawling metropolis naturally caters to a population larger than that of the Vatican. It is an amalgamation of rich diversity, of people of cultures as socially apart as the moon is from Pluto. The best thing about the Delhi Public Transport system is that you can sample this intense richness and unparalleled diversity while traveling to college everyday.

Its not just culture you get to sample but the very essence of humanity itself, be essence i don't just mean the nice things. One gets to see chivalry as a man offers his seat to a woman, one gets to see compassion & respect when a young person relinquishes the same for an elder. There is a deeper bond than even religion and culture that you can see in this transport system that is a part of so many of our daily lives. Humanity, even if it is the squabbles over one or two rupees for those living on the margins of the poverty line, even if it is the few who hum along to a popular number being aired on the bus radio. The intensity to which almost the entire bus listens to the running commentary on the World Cup. Unity in diversity is a phrase not misappropriated here.

The Delhi Metro, the very pride of our city as far as public transport goes. I can not, even if I wanted point out a greater example of blending diversity. Almost all the passengers who travel through the metro maintain a sense of hygiene and decency using this world class PTS (public Transport System). Despite it being a common occurrence to spit and/or leave everlasting engravings to their presence on any bus. One can see a sense of national pride as a common value running through all these people. What i want to bring to attention is the habit some people have of defying rules in their simple way and spitting/ scratching/ drooling etc on public property and the fact that once it (meaning the transport and its associated) is sufficiently disfigured it can be continually subject to projectile spit and vomit and etc without the slightest hint of any qualm.

I have personally observed people spitting on the metro stations, not just ordinary spit but red streaked paan discharges. Its not just my observation but a few days back an article to this effect appeared in the Hindustan Times. I am attaching the link for your further perusal. (just copy paste the link in your browser, read the article on page one and page 3). Recently when i was returning from a friends place in the metro, i was in a semi crowded compartment and there were two men standing infront of me, one with his back to me and the other facing me. The one facing me was chewing on something. The train stopped at the Ramesh Nagar station and the man chewing nodded his head and asked his companion something. I was observing for lack of something better to do. The companion said something which sounded like "kaar le yaar" (do it ) the Doors closed andthe train moved. When it stopped at Moti Nagar the man chewing something winked and spat red paan out onto the station (these stations have relatively little traffic in the afternoon) just before he finished the doors shut and some of the paan dribbled onto the door. I was aghast! the spitter had a very triumphant look on his face and his friend was laughing. Obviously they were very proud of themselves, and i did something very out of character and went up to them and said what they did was not right. All i got for my pains was "aapna kaam kar".

Another sad incident to behold was when changing trains so i got off at Rajiv Chowk from the upstairs line, i.e, the blue line and was to take the yellow line to C-sec from where i get my bus back. At Rajiv Chowk station for the yellow line a whole hoard of people as customary rushed onto the train headed for north campus, now the influx of people was so great that they refused to let the doors shut! i saw the doors glance off several people, one after the other till finally no possible human space left they allowed it to close. But it stayed open for a good 10 mins. the train left only after mine did! It is sad to just think about the old women and men who scurried out of the way of the mob!the only term to aptly describe the people there.

Getting me started on the buses is not advisable.!!! Why??????????? is all i am really left with. If you like forward this to people or ask them to read it and spread awareness! the way our city and national pride is treated makes me wonder at the zest our cricket matches are treated with, or the superfluity of the notions of nation pride.

Thursday, March 15

News Flash (Part II)

What does it take to be my better half!!
Lets see!! You need a ton of stubbornness!!! A whole mansion full of care and love!! a Salt cellar full of sarcasm!!! a jug of bitchiness!! a whole bakery of respectability!! 3 quarters of a sultry exotic beach!!! and so much more of a yummy peach!!!

A dollop of good taste in clothes!! an awesome taste in men of course! ( u have me!! ) A Candy boxful of the ability to make people smile!!! A oven full of intelligence and practicality!! a saucer of logic, (most people have a coffee bean sized amount like mee!!) And Tabasco sauce se bhi hotter temper!! but its as rare as a blue moon!! A whole dish of loyalty!! Served up of course with Lip smacking trust and truthfulness!! Beautiful yummy mango like a smile that sets a heart free!! the laughter as delicious as a chocolate brownie!! Whole kitchens full of strength which can be relied upon in all times!!!

A pinch of grumpiness, and a dash of moodiness!!! a lovable scoop of anger that fades as fast as a lightening flash!!! A wit as sharp as a chopping knife and a sense of humor as blunt as the backside of a spoon!!! (specially when ur trying to male me laugh and im takes time to make me smile hence probably blunt!!!!!) A Immense Restaurant full of soooo much love for all humanity!!! which is sooo rich in its aroma its intoxicating!!! but i am addicted!!!

and theres a lot more that i will discover over the rest of my life!!! this is a sampler from my nearly two year old kitchen!!! and i love this food!!!

Wednesday, March 14

News Flash(Part I)

What does it take to be me!!!
A lot of crazy wild emotions to start with!! add to that pretty much out of control.....and you wont go far without drunken sentimentality!!! Of course you'll have to pt on dollops of humanity and a lot of care and affection for almost everyone!!! At the same time bowlfuls of spicy bitchiness and ruthless commentary!!! a dash of attitude....Some smart tangy wit, a lot of wierd ,almost Martian, sense of humor!!!

Honesty and simplicity by the truck loads!! You will also need a cart full of child like innocence!! some good looks and a lot of self confidence!! an imbalance yes an imbalance of heart and mind, favoring the heart of course!!! a lot of blazing temper!! and spicy red hot anger!! with little or no cool off point...!!!

somewhat bad dance moves :P , crazy hot utterly desirable sex appeal!! and there is so much more that even i don't know.!!!! so guess i'd like ppl to leave anonymous comments as to what does it take to be me!!! i know i know u think its self flattery but i really only expect a comment
SO josh and Rohan!!!! congrats!!!! for getting it right!!! and lots of thanks to the 4 of you, Teddy and Aanchal for posting your views!!!!
Since after a lot of cajoling all i get is 4 comments (which is sad ) i shall tell you that in ' A seasons Seductress' i was talking about the wind that blows during the spring weather...when the sun is warm and the wind is cool so it makes for romantic outdoorsey weather!!!

Saturday, March 10

A Seasons Seductress

In the transforming season
from February to march
Lissom and lithe she rages outside
tears up leaves and shatters glass
She rakes up spring fl'ars
She unseen but desired
and in sweat best blest.

There she goes a rattling outside my window
Hammering the panes to be let in
In vain in vain she bruises against glass
Stormy, windy a seasons lass.

Hear her moan in pain, in swoon
The rushing of pleasures through leaves and moon
Strange her delight in parting flight
to thus fall still and silence leave blight.

For in the midsummer in scorching heat
her pleasures will be missed indeed,
For then she cools the sweaty brow
And knew she how i longed for her so
Tease and tease with never a blow
she come no nearer till augusts enthroned

But perhaps in temper in a fit and madness
She'll rake the leaves in sudden gladness
lift the passions of wetted soil, of earth and dust in water breathe
For a day she'll pleasure my senses a new
And then depart to torment you.

And with a seductive caress, she'll with her breast
blow my hair about her in zest
and look from here, i'll look from there
she'll be gone in the blink of an eye,
just a dust devil in her wake
to mark god's abundant make.

No wall will keep her, no window shall stop her
she'll hammer through a nook a cranny
till atlast you'll be groaning in agony
and when she passes you by and by
she'll come back again and again she'll cry but
not till next summer is nigh.

Lets see you guess what this poem is all probs if you wanna leave an anonymus post..just leave one...

Friday, March 9

Corrected Perspective ( Thank you Love ! )

I must make certain corrections to my perspective of the world. Today was a brand new day, It felt like opening your eyes all over again. Really opening them to the beauty and marvelous presence of God around you. Not any specific being, just the acknowledgment of a supernatural. I opened my eyes to the presence of so much life around me, humanity. What happened earlier was that the senses were so numbed by the crudeness of humanity i forgot, the biggest miracle. These people are all alive. They are all living proof of the miracle of life. When you see the myriad of life around you, you really have no choice but to be happy to celebrate in that life.

To be glad that you are alive to see that life. In every being you see that life, you have to just worship the process of life. You have to celebrate that life!! I had my mind awakened to a thing it was already doing, and my entry on being beautiful is infact just that. Only i did not know i was celebrating life. The sadness the reality the love the facets of life come in later. THese ofcourse just cant be blindly done away with. But in celebrating that life you will want to reach out and maybe help that fading life. Not to let one beautiful miracle of this planet die without a fight or atleast alone.

What sets The 3rd rock from the sun apart from other rocks from the sun is the miracle of life on it, you celebrate that!! What sets Humanity apart from the rest of these miracles of life, is that we are aware and we can celebrate this miracle.

Some how we lost out on this in being governed by our own reality, We lost out on the Happiness of a laugh, a smile, a sadness, an emotion so strong. We lost out on all this, left it behind in the wars of humanity, in the tragedy of our histories, in the survival of the fittest! We forgot to look at the beauty of the least fittest and the most. The beauty of a life.