Wednesday, March 7

Wizard of Oz

I rant and rave about myself about things that happen with me. Feelings and emotions that run through me. Which is why i have become so transparent. Anyone who cares to read knows exactly what is going trough my mind. Some blogs are of a more generalized nature, personal but on a different level. Personal here having to do with daily happenings, some are cook guides, travel logs etc etc and on. An emotional account is personal on such a deep rooted level, and yet here it is for all to see. Why do i then display every feeling so freely? I know, or rather what i know is that I do it because i have this need for expressing myself ( there I go again, expressing a need, a personal detail )

SOmewhere down the line there is also this realization that being so open about me is not such a good thing, a opportunity to be tread all over, by anyone. Yet i go on and on about it. But along side that fear is a soother, the thought that no matter attempts what. They will in the process of trying to hurt me have to deal with a very angry Taurean. Even so is this, such a level of transparency really good?

Maybe i should stop. the wizard of Oz might be wise, he can send me home, or does Dorithy do that herself?

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