Wednesday, February 28

The ability to be impulsive

There are in the world that set of people who will always do impulsive things. Always take the plunge before looking. The percentage of the population that has no sense of rationality, very stereotypically this irrationality is assigned to women. Just as its counterpart, logic is assigned to men. But thats wrong to say women are irrational, because given the history of mankind most wars, which we all agree to be an irrational waste of human life . But I'm digressing from what I wanted to write. All things said and done, and i am one of those irrational people, that these group or type of people are always going to be there. Are gonna take flight over stupid things, are gonna get into a temper for nothing. These people they make up that half of humanity that brings to the world a spontaneity, not a genralization mind you, that the rational side might abhor, might laugh at, might love, might find cute, might get angry in there turn. The world becomes a place to laugh at, to get angry at, to love, to sigh at, to say its incorrigible, but its just a lil green chili to your omlette and a little red chili to your noodles, a lil pepper to your butter.

the ability to be irrational is always a ability not a disability.....