if change is the only constant thing in life, then i have changed a lot and with me my relationships have changed. Be it my friends, be it my parents, be it my family. Does then your relationship define who you are? Yes....mostly because i am many people. Sum will say i am thsi and some say i am that. But before you hear the this, that and the not so this-that. Let me tell you the me i know. The Danny i believe i am.
It is my heart that does the thinking for me. Its my emotions that rule me...to a large extent i might justify. Childish and yet mature, thats part of my appeal. I love being loved by all and i go out of my way to make some one happy be it a stranger or a friend. I guess this is why i demand so much attention. Maybe its because from my childhood i aim to please, many a times in the end just wind up hurting myself. Now, part of the change is that i wont try so hard. I am an 'Artiste' and a philosipher lol!! so when you come to know me properly you know that i need that" my time". When i dont like answering calls, when even if im surrounded by people or just genrally with friends i feel that need to be alone. To go and think about things. pointless things, important things whatever they are they are just a part of what goes into making me who i am.
SO along with me you get...free mai...my mood swings. I can be the social animal we all love and i can be the recluse we all find strange. its just the people...the my people as i will now cal them that love me as a whole. Enough of serious about me.
Let me tell you my quirks...
1.) I love choclates..no i seriously do not just the average oh everyone loves choclates...I LOVE THEM
2.) I dont like food....this adds to the i love choclates. makes them all the more special to me
3.) I am not a fan of either hindi music or hindi movies anddont try to change me you'll end up bloody and bruised...hehe!! in fact not a fan of hindi. can call me the Desi-Aangrez!! get it?
4.) I am a health freak bordering bulemic some call me...but whatever.....
5.) Stubborn on my principles no matter how mis-founded they are.
6.) Make good friends with Taureans specially one(m Aquarious)
7.) Love rum and coke my favourite drink...get me high on it!!!
8.) Read a lot
9.)...........like a freakishly lot!!!!
10.) Top ten is enough i guess.....so lastly major quirk...dont like to talk to people who are unmarried (wait theres more...m not a freak man) but wear rings. (Now tats what i call a quirk)
now to acquaint you with my passions
1.) One Taurean....stupid stubborn arrogant sweetheart teddy
2.) Soccer just the game
3.) Lord of the rings
4.) Music...my music
5.) Dancing....have a lot of moves for a certain sumbody...come back soon!!! ;)
6.) Nd im passionate about obvsly choclates
7.) The O.C and Lost i never miss an episode
8.) Painting....doing a nice new one will take a pic and post it soon..look out!!
9.) Throwing tantrums
10.) ummmmm.........cant mention but will give you a hint!!! no i wont!!
and if you care to read a little more...top 5 reasons to hate me..this shud have gottn ur attention
1.) The rating and raving of mine about only one topic most of the time...coz its all my life.
2.) The bugging that i do
3.) Mood swings m actually having one rite now
4.) The number of times I'll make u visit UCB
5.) And.................the pointlessness of my stories
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