What Fun....
So after ages i had sooo much fun yesterday. was out the whole day with anisha, actually went to her place boy its so far.....neways we cot up on a lot that we wer missing on coz of the business of her majesty!!! nd i tried to make her edit her orkut profile wich sadly is still almost as bland as it was before. Then we played NFS most wanted and i won most of the time!! heheh!!! nd her mom made yum alu puri which i had like after ages!!! nd kulfi...i love kulfi.....god! nd mind you i dont do food at all so this was really goooood food!!!! Then we went to CP and we met akash whos now in pilani, it was so much fun catching up....he was telling us (in reported speech) about his drunken experiance lol which was hilarious and the Manili trip which was a blast nd at sum places disgustingly gross!!! but god it was so much fun. ofcourse wont sem like much but then how many of you know anisha n the new avatar of akash. so was out the whole day, after that went to church for singing practice. were performing in a competition this saturday...so it was fun. Nd obvsly i enoy bugging bag soooo much!! nd she gets bugged too. Shez just so bugable!! cant help it if your bugable beware!! Of me!! haha!!! so for the day sed bye bye to the solitary Dan.
but today i went to college and it was actually a Ghost college. Only Smita was there. the corridores were empty populated only by faint whispers, the mirrors in the toilets were only for my vanity today but im not that vain to use it on an empty day. and the crisp winter setting in brought a waking aloneness to the whole college that i could just sink into. so i did. I sat in college for about half an hour and it was great to just be alone like that. not just shutting out sounds and sight by lissening to music and closing your eyes but quite litrally there was nuthing to see just an empty class, an empty football field, a bare portico and it was just me and the glorious silence. You know 4 months back i would never have been this "Solitary Reaper" a certain someone would not have let me. But i think im connecting with the old Danny...not that its good or bad...i love being in both worlds.....everything happens for a reason but today i kinda wondered, does everything that happens a opposite of what happened like sum law of newton-sumthing sumthing equal and opposite force? you know like when you laugh too much you gotta cry too when your with people the whole day you gotta be alone too? I dont know how true the former is-very true in my case. but you cant disagree in the latter..even if your not with soo many people when your awake...when you sleep you are alone...we all have that alone time or atleast our subconscience needs it, but my conscience is alive in a 6th sense probably. and all m'night shyamlins dont think im like ghost watcher or sumthing i just guess it allows me a lot of forwarning in the form of my intuition...which has been wrong before and now gets its fare share of abuse from shantanu btu i trust it all the time coz it has prooved itself time and again in grave matters and light matters. so now m not gonna babble more nonsense cya laters!! bye
love you all!
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