Thursday, November 16


Why does Kashmir belong to India? why does Nagaland belong to India? clearly they dont want to be a part of a nation that opresses them. I dont know all that much about the Kashmiris, but i have a nagamese friend who in his long talks with me told me a lot of what goes on there, news does carry it but how attractive is the problems of the North East to us. We are more concerned with Pakistan, Kashmir and the Big ego that haunts the Indian parliament and Government.
The plight of the Nagamese, when the army of the nation they "belong" to, is supressing them, killing their men, raping their women!! How pathetic is this glorious cause of the largest Democracy in the world??

As tribals the North East recieves special economic aid packages, but do we really believe that in corrupted India this is ever going to be delivered beyond paper? India is the 17th most corrupted country in the world! Sitting in the metropolitan of India, Sitting in our homes how concerned can we be to the problems of a far of land? Truthfull not so much. So sitting in their bungalows how concerned are the politicians of India of a namesake state of India?......

Today, we had a strike in college, called by the college students union. Their demands were for a Radio in the canteen, wanted to seat their unworthy asses in some committies the spelling of which they wouldn't know and getting their hands on college funds. The pamphlet was written in a manner which would make a class two english teacher cry, and they wonder why the principle has not taken action regarding their letter. some one should ask them is it possible for the prinicple to understand your letter in the first place. These people claim to represent the students, but its all mr nice guy till the elections are won. Maybe some of their causes have weight but by calling a strike so that people who have come for classes cant attend is hardly the way to go about it. They called a strike recently for the fee hike - by wasting the fees already paid they (calling a strike) hope to reduce the fees. If thats not ironical i dont know what is. The saddest part is we lected and they came to power, now, i would first reduce the blame on myself by saying i dint vote, but by not voting i gave my silent assent to their taking the seat. but the students of the college shouldn't be so blind as to not see how the union is more of a nusiance than a aid. And as far as muscle politics goes i think walking into any delhi university college and talking to the union would give you first hand glimpse of that.

So also the politicians of the country, after all they probably were in some students "union" too. The voice of the people can only really be heard in a referendum but that can be tampered with too and it cant be put past any politician to try if it makes him any the richer.

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